Register for my upcoming Hands-On AI Skills for Marketers: Transform Content Creation & Strategy course on Maven
AI for Marketers Training
Join Natalie Lambert, Founder & Managing Partner at GenEdge, for a comprehensive overview of the most effective AI-driven marketing use cases and the tools (beyond ChatGPT) that have proven successful in other organizations.
This interactive, use-case driven session is a great way to use your end-of-year Learning, Development, and Training budget to jumpstart your 2024 career goals.
90-minute, interactive session
Limit 20 attendees per session so we have time for detailed Q&A.
Every attendee also receives a 30-minute one-on-one session with Natalie Lambert to get started on your first AI-driven project, to ask specific questions, or to get help building a prompt or finding a tool to accomplish your goals.
Cost: $1,200
”This was THE BEST piece of use case-specific AI-relevant education I've received this year. Thank you so much Natalie, I've taken notes, and am fully motivated to get this stuff working for us in APAC. Really, it was an incredibly valuable use of time and I'm grateful for your insights!!”
- Workshop attendee, security technology company

Session highlights
Why you need to start using AI today
The use cases best suited for AI
The best tools available to support those use cases
Real-life case studies showcasing how AI helped (and where it falls short) in supporting marketing teams
How to measure the ROI of AI against your use cases
Prompting best practices
You will leave this session with the ability to use AI to supercharge your work immediately.
Sign up now!
Registration is limited to 20 people per session so that we can have an interactive, personalized session.
Upon registration, you will receive an email with an invoice and payment details. If you have an educational training benefit at your employer, this invoice can be used for reimbursement. Once the payment is received, you will receive the calendar invite for the training session.